Hi guys! I am visiting your blog regularly and I am getting more and more impressed by the size of your installation. It's really huge. I still cannot work out the overall design and have no idea of the subjet bot it won't take long before it becomes visible, I guess. You must be working really hard...but you look happy all the same. Keep it up! You have all my moral support and admiration. Ciao Ferruccio and everybody there! Nella
Hi guys! I am visiting your blog regularly and I am getting more and more impressed by the size of your installation. It's really huge. I still cannot work out the overall design and have no idea of the subjet bot it won't take long before it becomes visible, I guess. You must be working really hard...but you look happy all the same. Keep it up! You have all my moral support and admiration. Ciao Ferruccio and everybody there! Nella